Santiago Andrade 14/05/2024
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Universidad Estatalde BolaBall State University ( Ball State , State o BSU ) es una universidad pública de investigaciónen Muncie, Indiana . Tiene dos instalaciones satélite en Fishers e Indianápolis .En 1917, los hermanos Ball , industriales y fundadores de Ball Corporation , adquirieron elIndiana Normal Institute, embargado, y entregaron la escuela y los terrenos circundantes alestado de Indiana. La Asamblea General de Indiana aceptó la donación en la primavera de1918, y 235 estudiantes iniciales se inscribieron en la Escuela Normal del Estado de Indiana -División Este el 17 de junio de 1918.Ball State is classi�ed among "R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity".[6] Theuniversity is composed of seven academic colleges. As of Fall 2020, total enrollment was21,597 students,[7] including 15,205 undergraduates and 5,817 postgraduates. The universityo�ers about 120 undergraduate majors and 130 minor areas of study[8] and more than 100master's, doctoral, ce�i�cate, and specialist degrees.[9]Ball State athletic teams compete in Division I of the NCAA and are known as the Ball StateCardinals. The university is a member of the Mid-American Conference and the MidwesternIntercollegiate Volleyball Association. In fall 2020, the university formed a varsity espo�steam[10] and joined the Espo�s Collegiate Conference.,_Indiana,_Indiana location of today's Ball State Universityhad its sta� in 1899 as a private universitycalled the Eastern Indiana Normal School.The entire school, including classrooms, alibra�, and the president's residence werehoused in what is today's Frank A. BrackenAdministration Building. The one-buildingschool had a peak enrollment of 256 andcharged $10 for a year's tuition. It operateduntil the spring of 1901, when it was closeddue to lack of funding. In 1902, the schoolreopened as Palmer University for the nextthree years when Francis Palmer, a retiredIndiana banker, gave the school $100,000 asan endowment.Between 1905 and 1907, the school droppedthe Palmer name and operated as theIndiana Normal College. It had twodivisions, the Normal School for educatingteachers and the College of AppliedSciences. The school had an averageenrollment of about 200 students. Due todiminishing enrollment and lack of funding,the school closed at the end of the 1906–UniversidadEstatal de BolaNombreanteriorMarionNormalCollege(1880–191[1]CorporacióNacional dCapacitaciManual (?–1912)Compañía CapacitaciHistory school year. In 1912, a group of localinvestors led by Michael Kelly reopened theschool as the Indiana Normal Institute. Topay for updated materials and refurbishingthe once-abandoned AdministrationBuilding, the school operated under amo�gage from the Muncie Trust Company.Although the school had its largest studentbody with a peak enrollment of 806, o�cialscould not maintain mo�gage payments, andthe school was forced to close once again inJune 1917 when the Muncie Trust Companyinitiated foreclosure proceedings.The Ball brothersand Ball StateTeachers Collegeera (1917–1960)The Ball brothers from left to right:George, Lucius, Frank, Edmund, andWilliam.Manual deIndiana (?–1912)Conse�atode Música Muncie (?–1912)InstitutoNormal deMuncie(1912–191EscuelaNormal deEste deIndiana(1899–190Universida July 25, 1917, the Ball brothers, localindustrialists and founders of the BallCorporation, bought the Indiana NormalInstitute from foreclosure. The Ball brothersalso founded Ball Memorial Hospital andMinnetrista, and were the benefactors ofKeuka College, founded by their uncle,George Ha�ey Ball.[11] For $35,100, the Ballbrothers bought the Administration Buildingand surrounding land. In early 1918, duringthe Indiana General Assembly's sho�session, state legislators accepted the gift ofthe school and land by the Ball brothers. Thestate granted operating control of theMuncie campus and school buildings to theadministrators of the Indiana State NormalSchool in Terre Haute. That same year, theMarion Normal Institute relocated to Muncie,adding its resources to what would o�ciallybe named the Indiana State Normal School– Eastern Division. An initial 235 studentsenrolled in 1918, with William W. Parsonsse�ing as the �rst president of theuniversity.The close relationship between the Balls andthe school led to an uno�cial moniker forthe college, with many students, faculty, andlocal politicians casually referring to theschool as "Ball State," a sho�handalternative to its longer, o�cial name. Duringthe 1922 sho� session of the Indianalegislature, the state renamed the schoolBall Teachers College. This was inrecognition of the Ball family's continuingbene�cence to the institution. During thisPalmer(1902–190IndianaNormalCollege(1905–190IndianaNormalInstitute(1912–191Indiana StaNormalSchool –División Es(1918–192Ball TeacheCollege,_Indiana,_Indiana, the state also reorganized itsrelationship with Terre Haute andestablished a separate local board oftrustees for the Muncie campus. In 1924, BallTeachers College's trustees hired Benjamin J.Burris as the successor to PresidentLinnaeus N. Hines. The Ball brotherscontinued giving to the university andpa�ially funded the construction of theScience Hall (now called Burkhardt Building)in 1924 and an addition to Ball Gymnasiumin 1925. By the 1925–1926 school year, BallState enrollment reached 991 students: 697women and 294 men. Based on the school'sclose relationship with the Ball Corporation,a long-running nickname for the school was"Fruit Jar Tech."[12] During the regularlegislative session of 1929, the GeneralAssembly nominally separated the TerreHaute and Muncie campuses of the stateteachers' college system, but it placed thegoverning of the Ball State campus underthe Indiana State Teachers College Board ofTrustees based in Terre Haute.[13] With thisaction, the school was renamed Ball StateTeachers College. The following year,enrollment increased to 1,118, with 747female and 371 male students. In 1935, theschool added the Fine A�s Building for a�,music, and dance instruction. Enrollmentthat year reached 1,151: 723 women and428 men. As an expression of the many giftsfrom the Ball family since 1917, sculptorDaniel Chester French was commissioned byMuncie's chamber of commerce to cast abronze fountain �gure to commemorate the(1922–192Ball StateColegio deProfesores(1929–196Ball StateCollege(1961–196Lema "Volamos"[2]Tipo universidadpública deinvestigaciónEstablecido 1918Acreditación CHL anniversa� of the Ball brothers' gift tothe state. His creation, Bene�cence, standsbetween the Administration Building andLucina Hall where Talley Avenue ends atUniversity Avenue.Ball State, like the rest of the nation, wasa�ected by the onset of World War II. Therewere several dramatic changes on BallState's campus during World War II. In 1939Ball State began its Civilian Pilot Trainingprogram which had popular enrollment.[14]This program allowed students and localresident to learn to �y, instructed by theMuncie Aviation Company. By the Fall of1941 Ball State reached its peak enrollmentto this point of 1,588 students.[14] When theUnited States entered the war, Ball State likemany other college campuses, saw a declinein male enrollment. At this time Ball Statepa�nered with the United States milita�and established two training programs oncampus, the Army Specialized TrainingProgram and Navy V-1 Program. Each ofthese programs encouraged male enrollmentin the college that also trained them to goon as pilots in the milita� se�ice.[15]Ball State students and sta� alsocontributed to the war e�o� by suppo�ingthe troops abroad. Students and sta� led bySherly DeMotte, a member of the Englishfaculty, wrote dozens of letters to Ball Statestudents and sta� se�ing overseas.[15] By1943 a dozen students from Ball State hadbecome war casualties. To bring awarenessto their se�ice, in 1943 the War MoraleA�liacionesacadémicasConcesdeespacioDotación 325,6millonesdedólares(2022)[3]Presidente Geo�reyMearnsPreboste AnandMarriPersonaldocente1.245 dedicated the Roll of Honor; itlisted the names of all those who se�edduring the war.Independentinstitution(1961-present)David Letterman Communicationand Media Building dedicationceremony in 2007.In 1961, Ball State became independent ofIndiana State University through the creationof the Ball State College Board ofTrustees.[13] The o�cial name of the schoolwas also changed to Ball State College. TheIndiana General Assembly approved thedevelopment of a state-assisted architectureprogram, establishing the College ofArchitecture and Planning, which opened onMarch 23, 1965. The Center for Radio andTelevision (now named the College ofEstudiantes 21,597(otoñode2020)[4]estudiantesuniversitarios15.20Postgrados 5.817Ubicación Muncie,IUnidosInstalaciones Pequeciuda1.140acres(4,6 k2 ),_Information,_and_Media,_Indiana, Information, and Media)opened the following year, in 1966.Recognizing the college's expandingacademic curriculum and growingenrollment (10,066 students), the GeneralAssembly approved renaming the school toBall State University in 1965. Most of theuniversity's largest residence halls werecompleted during this period of high growth,including the DeHority Complex (1960),Noyer Complex (1962), Studebaker Complex(1965), LaFollette Complex (1967), andJohnson Complex (1969). Academic andathletic buildings, including I�ingGymnasium (1962), Emens Auditorium(1964), Cooper Science Complex (1967),Scheumann Stadium (1967), Carmichael Hall(1969), Teachers College Building (1969),Pruis Hall (1972), and Bracken Libra�(1974), also expanded the university'scapacity and educational oppo�unities.The university experienced another buildingboom beginning in the 2000s, with theopenings of the A� and Journalism Building(2001), Shafer Tower (2001), the MusicInstruction Building (2004), the DavidLetterman Communication and MediaBuilding (2007), Park Hall (2007), KinghornHall (2010), Marilyn K. Glick Center for Glass(2010), and the Student Recreation andWellness Center (2010).[16]Under the university's 14th president, Dr. JoAnn Gora, over $520 million was committedto new construction and renovation projectsOtroscampuspescadores·IndianápoliPeriódico Noticiasdiariasdelestadode BallColores Cardenaly blanco[5]Apodo CardenalesA�liacionesdepo�ivasNCAADivisiónI FBS -,_Information,_and_Media,_Ball_State_University,_Indiana Ball State campus.[16] Withinthe last decade, Ball State Universityadopted Education Rede�ned as its motto,focusing on "immersive learning" to engagestudents across all academic programs inreal-world projects. To date, there have beenover 1,250 immersive learning projects,impacting residents in all of Indiana's 92counties under the mentoring of faculty fromeve� academic depa�ment.[16]The university has also adoptedenvironmental sustainability as a prima�component of the university's strategic planand vision.[17] Sta�ing in the mid-2000s, allbuilding additions and renovations aredesigned to meet Leadership in Energy andEnvironmental Design (LEED) ce�i�cationstandards.[18] Ball State announced in 2009that it would begin construction on thelargest geothermal energy conversionproject in U.S. histo�.[19]The university was defendant in the U.S. Supreme Cou� case Vance v. Ball State University,which dealt with who can be regarded as a "supe�isor" for harassment lawsuits. The case wasargued on November 26, 2012. In a 5–4 decision, the cou� ruled in favor of Ball State.[20]MAC ·MIVA ·ECCMascota campusLooking no�h on McKinley Avenuetoward Shafer TowerBall State University's campus spans 731 acres (296ha) and includes 109 buildings at7,203,801 square feet (669,255.0m2)[21] centered mostly on three main quadrangles. (Theuniversity also has just over 400 additional acres of research prope�y.)The original quadrangle, "Old Quad," anchors the south end of campus and includes most ofthe university's earliest academic buildings, Christy Woods, and the Wheeler-ThanhauserOrchid Collection and Species Bank. The focal points of the Old Quad are Bene�cence and theFine A�s Building, home to the David Owsley Museum of A� since 1935. The museumcontains some 11,000 works valued at more than $40 million.[22] The museum expanded itstotal exhibition space in 2013 from 17,846-to-26,514-square-foot (1,657.9 to 2,463.2m2).[23]The Fine A�s Terrace, overlooking the Old Quad, hosts the annual spring commencementceremonies.[24]The University Green quadrangle is located to the no�h and consists of a variety of modernbuildings (1960–present), with such landmarks as Bracken Libra�, Emens Auditorium, and theFrog Baby Fountain, located on University Green. Shafer Tower is the focal point of theCampus,_Ball_State_University Located in the median of McKinley Avenue, Shafer Tower is a 150-foot-tall(46m) free-standing bell tower with a 48-bell carillon.[25]McKinley Avenue, which runs no�h-south through campus, acts as a spine or axis of activityconnecting the quadrangles. The Scramble Light at the intersection of Riverside and McKinleyis a pedestrian scramble that halts vehicular tra�c in 30-second sequences, allowingpedestrians to cross the intersection in eve� direction, including diagonally.[26]The newest quadrangle, the East Quad, sits directly east of the Old Quad. The East Quad ismade up of the Sursa Pe�ormance Hall, the Honors College, and two new buildings; theHealth Professions Building (Opened 2019) and the Foundational Sciences Building (Opened2021).[27]The No�h Residential Neighborhood was completed in 2022 and comprises Beyerl Hall,Botsford/Swinford Halls, No�h West Hall, Schmidt/Wilson Halls, and the No�h DiningHall.[28][29]York Prairie Creek, also known as Cardinal Creek, is an intra-campus creek that begins at thepond outside Park Hall on campus, winding no�hwest and connecting to the Duck Pondbefore heading west toward the White River.The university's campus includes nearly 8,000 trees of about 625 species.[30]Campus transpo�ationThe University provides a free shuttle se�ice each semester. Shuttles run on red, green, andblue loops eve� �ve to ten minutes.[31] The Muncie Indiana Transit System (MITS) alsoprovides free bus se�ice to students on local routes, pa�icularly on Routes 1, 2, 14, and 16which run through campus.The University also provides a late-night pickup se�ice, Charlie's Cha�er. Upon request,Charlie's Cha�er will transpo� students throughout the campus.[32] facilitiesMost of Ball State University's athletic facilities and intramural �elds are located on theno�hernmost po�ion of campus near the intersection of McGalliard Road and TillotsonAvenue. These facilities include First Merchants Ballpark Complex (Ball Diamond and SoftballField), Briner Spo�s Complex, the Earl Yestingsmeier Golf Practice Facility, the Fisher FootballTraining Complex, the Scheumann Family Indoor Practice Facility, and the 22,500-seatScheumann Stadium, home to Ball State Cardinals football.The 11,500-seat John E. Wo�hen Arena anchors the central campus athletic facilities. Thereare also tennis cou�s on campus.ArchitectureThe Music Instruction Building atnight, with Stephen Knapp's FirstSymphony in view.Most campus facilities feature red or brown brick façades with the exceptions of the Frank A.Bracken Administration Building made of yellow brick and Elliott and Pruis Halls each made ofIndiana limestone.Completed in 1899 as the university's �rst building, the Frank A. Bracken AdministrationBuilding was built in Neoclassical style with a yellow brick façade.[33] campus facilities built before 1960 feature Collegiate Gothic architecture, including BallGymnasium, Burris Laborato� School, Fine A�s Building,and L. A. Pittenger StudentCenter.[33] Other examples include Burkhardt Building, No�h Quad Building, and Lucina Hall.Several modern campus buildings (early-1960s to early-1980s) have been built in Brutalistarchitecture, embracing blank walls and exposed concrete. Examples of this style include theArchitecture Building, Bracken Libra�, and Whitinger Business Building. [34]The Teachers College Building, built in 1968, is the tallest building on campus, at 10 �oorsand 138 feet (42m).[35]Building additions and expansions from the early-1990s to the mid-2010s shied away fromBrutalist designs, and instead, have been built to respect the scale and style of theuniversity's older Collegiate Gothic buildings. While red and brown brick accented bylimestone has remained the favored façade materials, large windows have become morecommonplace in buildings constructed since the late-1990s to emphasize natural lighting.Examples of this architecture include the Alumni Center, Dehority Hall, Park Hall, KinghornHall, Sursa Pe�ormance Hall, the A� and Journalism Building, Music Instruction Building, andthe David Letterman Communication and Media Building. [36][37]Recent buildings (mid-2010s to present) have embraced contempora� architecture featuringopen atriums, large windows, and sustainable elements. Examples of this architecture includethe Health Professions Building, the Foundational Sciences Building, Beyerl Hall, No�h WestHall, Botsford/Swinford Halls, Schmidt/Wilson Halls, and the No�h Dining Hall. [36][37][38]SustainabilityBall State has adopted environmental sustainability as a prima� component of theuniversity's strategic plan and vision.[17] Sta�ing in the mid-2000s, all building additions andrenovations are designed to meet Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)ce�i�cation standards. Standards include environmentally-friendly site selection, energy andwater e�ciency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality, among others.[18] The dive�s 20 percent of its waste from land�lls through recycling e�o�s[39] and alsoinvests in hybrid vehicles, hybrid-electric shuttle buses, and vehicles that use E85.[40]Since 2007, 13 campus buildings have achieved LEED ce�i�cation. The Marilyn K. GlickCenter for Glass and Teachers College Building is considered LEED ce�i�ed. The DavidLetterman Communication and Media Building, Park Hall, DeHority Hall, Kinghorn Hall, andthe Jo Ann Gora Student Recreation and Wellness Center have earned LEED Silverce�i�cation. Studebaker East Residence Hall, District Energy Station No�h, AppliedTechnology Building, Botsford/Swinford Residence Hall, Schmidt/Wilson Residence Hall, andDistrict Energy Station South have earned LEED Gold ce�i�cation. The university's �rst greenroof was installed on the No�h District Energy Station in 2011.[41]Former president Jo Ann Gora was a founding member of the American College & UniversityPresidents' Climate Commitment, an initiative by several institutions to address climatechange and reduce greenhouse gas emissions on their campuses.[42] In 2011, the SustainableEndowments Institute gave the university a College Sustainability Repo� Card grade of"C+."[43]Geothermal systemIn 2009, then-president Jo Ann Gora announced the university's plans for installing the largestgeothermal energy project of its kind in the U.S.[19] [44] Ball State committed to reducinggreenhouse gas emissions by nearly 80,000 tons annually through the installation of a $65million geothermal heating and cooling system and closure of all four coal-�red boilers oncampus. The geothermal system, completed in 2017, consists of 3,600 boreholes and twoenergy stations on campus. The system consists of two underground loops with more than5,500,000 feet (1,700,000m) of pipes to circulate water for heating and cooling throughoutcampus.[45] facilitiesBall State University manages two satellite facilities in the state of Indiana: CAP: INDY[46] andthe Fishers Center for Academic and Economic Innovation.[47]Since 2001, the Estopinal College of Architecture and Planning has operated a satellite facilityin Indianapolis.[48] Known as CAP: INDY, it houses the Center for Civic Design and providesinterdisciplina� studio space for graduate students in the college's master of architecture andmaster of urban design programs. In 2019, the center moved to the Elevator Hill section ofthe city's Holy Cross neighborhood near downtown Indianapolis. CAP: INDY occupies 17,000square feet (1,600m2) of the Glass Building at 25 N. Pine St.[49]The Fishers Center for Academic and Economic Innovation, located in Fishers, Indiana, wasestablished in 2015. The center occupies 3,000 square feet (280m2) at Launch Fishers, a co-working/business incubator.[50] The site o�ers academic programs, community engagement,and professional development sessions to students, alumni, and organizations. During thespring semester, entrepreneurship student teams are paired with six Launch Fisherscompanies to develop growth strategies for each company.[51]Student bodyBall State University enrolls[7] approximately 21,500 students who come from throughoutIndiana, the United States, and around the world. Out-of-state students make up about 25percent of enrollment, and ethnic minorities account for about 23 percent. The universityenrolls more than 300 international students.As of the 2020–2021 school year, Ball State University's student population primarilyconsisted of Indiana residents (74 percent) with 25 percent being nonresidents. Sixty-�veAcademics,_Indiana body composition as of May 2, 2022Race and ethnicity[52] TotalWhite 76%Black 10%Hispanic 7%Other[a] 5%Asian 2%Foreign national 1%Economic diversityLow-income[b] 39%A�uent[c] 61%percent of the student body is female.The university admitted 77 percent ofapplicants in 2019.TuitionFor the 2021–2022 academic year,annual undergraduate tuition is $8,284for in-state students taking 12 to 18credits per semester and $25,518 forout-of-state students.[53] Includingtechnology, recreation, Health Center, and room and board fees, annual undergraduateexpenses total about $21,086 for in-state students and $38,320 for out-of-state students.[53]For the 2021–2022 academic year, annual graduate tuition is $7,748 for in-state studentstaking nine credits per semester and $21,222 for out-of-state students. Including other fees,in-state graduate student expenses total $20,560, and $34,024 for out-of-state graduatestudents.[53]CollegesBall State University o�ers �ve associate degrees, 119 bachelor's, 78 master's,15 doctoraldegrees, 60 post-baccalaureate ce�i�cates, and three post-masters ce�i�cates. In fall 2020,the average campus class size was 21 students, with a student-to-teacher ratio of 16 to 1.[7]Ball State University has been accredited by The Higher Learning Commission continuouslysince 1925.[54]� systemBracken Libra� is the university's mainlibra�. Completed in 1975, Bracken houses�ve �oors of classrooms, computer labs,private study suites, and video viewingsuites. The libra� provides access to about2.3 million books, periodicals, microforms,audiovisual materials, software, governmentpublication maps, musical scores, archivalrecords, and other information sources.[55]Bracken Libra� hosts the Ball StateUniversity Digital Media Reposito�, anopen-access resource containing over130,000 digital objects in 64 collections, aswell as the Center for Middletown Studies.System branches include the ArchitectureLibra� and the Science–Health ScienceLibra�. Over 1.1 million visits were madethroughout the University Libraries systembetween 2011 and 2012.[56]RankingsBall State ranked 191st nationally on U.S.News & World Repo� 's 2021 “Top Pe�ormerson Social Mobility” list.[61] College Magazineranked the university No. 6 in the count� for“Top 10 Campuses for Students withDisabilities.”[62] The Princeton Review alsoCollege FoundedCollege ofCommunication,Information,and Media196Collegeof FineA�s1935Collegeof Health2016College ofSciencesandHumanities1926,_Information,_and_Media,_Information,_and_Media,_Information,_and_Media,_Information,_and_Mediaclassi�es Ball State as among its “BestMidwestern” universities and “GreenColleges.”[63] Insight into Diversity hasawarded a Higher Education Excellence inDiversity (HEED) award eve� year since2016.[64]The entrepreneurial management programranked among the top 50 in the U.S. in ThePrinceton Review 2020 rankings.[65] U.S.News & World Repo� ranked Ball State 36thin 2021 for First-Year Experiences,[66] 46th inthe U.S. in audiology programs, 47th inrehabilitation counseling programs, 84th in“Best Education Schools,” 92nd in speech-language pathology programs, 166th inpublic a�airs programs, and 202nd inpsychology programs.[67]Several programs are nationally ranked intheir respective categories in U.S. News &World Repo� 's “Best Online Programs” list:the master’s in curriculum and educationaltechnology 4th, master’s in nursingeducation 5th, master’s in educationaladministration and supe�ision 11th, masterof business administration 15th, master’s inspecial education 16th, master’s in nursing 17th, and bachelor’s programs 29th.[68]EstopinalCollege ofArchitectureandPlanning1965MillerCollegeofBusiness1966TeachersCollege1918 State University operates 14 residencehalls[69] for its students, with a 15thexpected to open during the 2021-2022school year.[70] A 16th residence hall,Burkhardt/Jeep Hall in the WagonerComplex, houses students of the Ball State-operated Indiana Academy.[71]Anthony and Scheidler Apa�ments oncampus accommodate upper-level singlestudents, students with families, anduniversity faculty and sta�.[72] Prices va� foron-campus living with meal plan access todining facilities. LaFollette Complex hadpreviously contained about 1,900 students,the highest capacity residence hall complexon campus, but began undergoingdemolition in 2017. As of 2020,Brayton/Clevenger residence hall was theonly remaining hall in the complex.The majority of residence halls are home toliving-learning communities in which students enrolled in the same majors or similar majorsare housed together and pa�icipate in special activities.[73]Academic rankingsNationalForbes[57] 487U.S.News &WorldRepo�[58]202WashingtonMonthly[59]211WSJ /CollegePulse[60]> 600Student life,_Mathematics,_and_Humanities organizations andactivitiesMore than 400 student organizations at Ball State[74] include numerous student government,depa�mental and professional, special interest, and se�ice groups, all sanctioned by theO�ce of Student Life in the L. A. Pittenger Student Center.[75] Multicultural organizationsinclude the Asian American Student Association, Black Student Association, Latinx StudentUnion, and Spectrum, for LGBTQ equity.[76] Ball Stateis often credited as one of the �rstuniversities in the nation to begin a Safe Zone training program, which began in 1992, toeducate the public and empower LGBTQ allies and advocates.[77][78][79]Ball State University is home to about 30 on-campus Greek letter organizations.[80][81]MediaEight student-run media organizations operate as pa� of Ball State's Uni�ed Media Lab in itsCollege of Communication, Information, and Media.[82] The lab includes the Ball State DailyNews, Ball Bearings magazine, Byte, Cardinal Metrics, Cardinal WX, Newslink Indiana, BallState Spo�s Link, and WCRD radio station.Ball State Daily NewsThe Ball State Daily News is a student newspaper with a�icles published daily online and aweekly print circulation of 5,000 copies, published eve� Thursday during the academic year,excluding exams and vacation.[83] Originally founded in 1922 as The Easterner, the newspaperwas among the �rst student publications to be inducted into the Associated Collegiate Press’Hall of Fame in 1988 and has won numerous national pacemaker awards. Bearings magazineBall Bearings is an online and print student magazine that focuses on in-depth a�icles.[84]ByteByte is a multimedia student organization that produces news, features, reviews, graphics,podcasts, and videos focusing on ente�ainment, technology, and culture.[85]Cardinal MetricsCardinal Metrics is an analytics agency in which students work with professional clients toprovide analysis and consultation se�ices.[86]Cardinal WXCardinal WX, or "Waking up with Cardinal Weather," is a morning mobile show that providesnews, weather, and lifestyle trends.[87]NewsLink IndianaNewsLink Indiana is a three-times-weekly 30-minute broadcast.[88] The show covers localnews, national news, ente�ainment, weather, and spo�s. NewsLink has won numerous LowerGreat Lakes Regional Emmy Awards.Ball State Spo�s LinkBall State Spo�s Link sta�ed in 2009 as one of the university's immersive learning projects.Students cover athletics, including live remote productions, live-to-tape events, television, student-athlete features, Facebook live shows, and social media content. Theprograms also include a digital radio broadcast, social media management and analytics, andpodcasts.[89]WCRDWCRD is a non-commercial radio station operated full-time by Ball State students fromstudios in the David Letterman Communication and Media Building.[90]The McKinley Avenue AgencyThe Depa�ment of Journalism suppo�s The McKinley Avenue Agency,[91] a student-runpublic relations and adve�ising agency that works with other university o�ces andcommunity businesses. Se�ices include media sales, creative se�ices, public relations andcommunications, and events and contests. The organization merged with the former CardinalCommunications, which focused on public relations se�ices.[91]Ball State Public MediaThe university announced in October 2020 the formation of Ball State Public Media, apa�nership between Ball State PBS (formerly WIPB) and Indiana Public Radio (WBST).[92] State Cardinals football atScheumann StadiumBall State competes in the NCAA Division I (FBS) and is pa� of the Mid-American Conference(MAC) in all spo�s except for men's volleyball, where it competes in the MidwesternIntercollegiate Volleyball Association (MIVA).In 2018, Beth Goetz was named as the director of athletics, proceeding Mark Sandy. Goetz isBall State's second female director of athletics in the histo� of the depa�ment.[94]Ball State Cardinals football was established in the 1924 season and has a 461-434-32 (.515)record as of Janua� 2021.[95] Ball State has won six conference championships in football,most recently in 2020, and has appeared in seven NCAA Division I postseason bowl games,most recently in 2020 defeating San Jose State, 34-13, in the O�erpad Arizona Bowl for theCardinals’ �rst-ever bowl victo�.[95] Ball State has a 1-7-1 bowl game record.[96] Ball Stateannually competes against conference rival No�hern Illinois, playing for the Bronze StalkTrophy; Ball State holds a 3–10 record in the contest. Mike Neu is the current head coach, aposition he has held since 2016.[97]Ball State Cardinals men's basketball began in 1920.[98] Although there was little success inthe program from its sta� until the 1970s, the next two decades would be the highlight of theprogram's pe�ormance. Ball State became a powerhouse in the Mid-American Conference,winning a record seven MAC tournaments and with subsequent appearances in the NCAADivision I men's basketball tournament between 1981 and 2000.[98] The Cardinals' mostsuccessful year was 1990 when the team reached the Sweet Sixteen but lost to eventualnational champion UNLV, 69-67. Even though the Cardinals lost the game, BSU playerChandler Thompson recorded what is considered to be one of the most memorable put-backAthletics in college basketball histo�.[99] Theteam's last NCAA Division I men's basketballtournament appearance was in 2000. JamesWhitford became head coach in 2013.[100]Charlie Cardinal is Ball State's mascot,modeled after Indiana's state bird, theno�hern cardinal.[101]Bene�cenceThe statue Bene�cence (aka "Benny") is abronze statue dedicated in 1937 on BallState's quad.[102] The statue was sculpted byDaniel Chester French, creator of theAbraham Lincoln statue in the LincolnMemorial. Bene�cence was selected torecognize the generosity of the �ve Ballbrothers, who founded the university andmade many other contributions to Muncie,Indiana. The statue se�es as a prima�symbol for the university, including being thefocus of Ball State's o�cial logo.[103]Ball Statecompetes in thefollowing NCAAspo�s[93]Men'sspo�sWomen'sspo�sSpo� ConferenceBasketball I MAC BGolf I MAC Golf ISwimming I MAC STennis I MAC TenniVolleyball I MIVA VoBaseball I MAC SofFootball I MAC SocTraditions BabyThe Frog Baby statue has been the center oflegend and tradition since it was presentedby Frank Ball in 1937. While initially ondisplay in the David Owsley Museum of A�,students began a tradition of rubbing thestatue's nose for good luck before takingexams.[104] Over the years, the nose wasworn away, and in 1993, the statue was sentoverseas for refurbishment. Today, Frog Babyis situated in a fountain on University Green.Since its move and restoration, studentshave sta�ed a new tradition of dressing thestatue to re�ect weather patterns (sca�esand hats in the winter)[105] or currentuniversity events (jerseys and helmets forupcoming football games). Despite 24/7su�eillance, the statue has been a repeatedtarget of vandals.[106]The Naked LadyForest Idyl, more commonly known by students and faculty as "The Naked Lady," is a bronzestatue of a pa�ially nude woman mingling with two wild deer. The statue is one of four knownoriginal castings by sculpture a�ist Albin Polasek.[107]The statue is located in the lobby of Bracken Libra�.[107]FieldhockeyI MACGymnastics I MACIndoorTrack&FieldI MACOutdoorTrack &FieldI MACCrosscount�I MAC in 1926, Homecoming has brought several traditions. Homecoming Parade was�rst held in 1939.[108] The parade route begins at Muncie Central High School downtown,travels west down University Avenue through The Village, and ends at McKinley and Neelyavenues on campus. The 75th anniversa� of the parade in 2012 saw over 100 �oatentries.[109] Since the inaugural event in 1980, the Homecoming Bed Race has been held theFriday before homecoming.[110] The annual event consists of �ve-person teams within sevendivisions, racing beds down a 100-yard course on Riverside Avenue in zany costumes.[110]Other Homecoming traditions include the Air Jam lip-sync competition[111] and Talent Searchscholarship talent show.[112]Other traditionsSta�ing in 2004, Ball State students adopted "Chirp! Chirp!" as a school chant to cheer onteams during spo�ing events. Traditionally, The Chirp chant begins on the opposing team'sthird down during Ball State Cardinals football games. Accompanying the chant, pa�icipantsusually place their index �nger and thumb together, extending the other three �ngers straightup, and moving their arm in an up-and-down motion.[113]For at least a decade, it had become a tradition for students and visitors to stick pieces ofchewed gum to a honey locust tree between Emens Parking Garage and Pruis Hall. The trunkof the "Gum Tree," as it had been named, was covered in colo�ul wads of used gum.[114] Thetree was removed in 2017 by the university in preparation for construction of the EastMall.[115] State University has about 197,000 alumni worldwide.[116] A few of Ball State's mostnotable graduates include:Kent C. "Oz" Nelson (BA 1959, LLD1994), former president and CEO ofUPSJim Davis (BA 1967, LittD (h.c.) 1991),creator of the Ga�ield comic stripDavid Letterman (BA 1969), EmmyAward-winning former host of the LateShowActress Joyce DeWitt (BA 1972)Architect Craig W. Ha�man (BArch1973, DA 2009)Notable alumni Ahrendts (BA 1981, DHL 2010),former CEO of Burber� and formerApple Inc. executiveJe�rey D. Feltman (BS 1981, LLD2013), United Nations Under-Secreta�-General for Political A�airs,former U.S. Ambassador to LebanonBrian Gallagher (BSW 1981), formerpresident and CEO of United WayWorldwideActor Doug Jones (BA 1982)John Schnatter (BA 1983, LLD 2015),founder and former chairman of PapaJohn's Pizza Chang, (BA and BM 1990)Grammy Award-winning classicalpianistJarrod Jones (born 1990), American-Hungarian basketball player in theIsraeli Basketball Premier LeagueJason Whitlock (BS 1990), spo�swriterand host of Speak for YourselfTiara Thomas (BA 2012), GrammyAward and Academy Award-winningsinger-songwriterList of colleges and universities inIndianaSee also of Ball State University Presidentsa. Other consists of Multiracial Americans &those who prefer to not say.b. 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