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i Saturday December 13 2003 The Sacramento Bee E5 53ljri'ii -iVsYr -uT If ELEPHANT nsaissisrtssis DIE MOMMIE DIEl00 3 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 PIECES OF APRIL DOPAMINE 3o7o 4 h- vCto't? jfcjt WUIM5VJWH 33IS7 'v im Ji i-f rj -r 1 vl VtflMlIKJitilf: 'litre-crm- ft NOW PLAYING CENTURYTHEATT1ES CfiYTUfiY Ul El)SaR0E CEtD HSL 797 340- i UNITED ARTISTS LAGUNA VILLAGE 12 MXfiUl VO HMUCs I 1 SEE DIRECTORY OR CALL THEATRE 1 FOR SHOWTIMES weewewe kl hire VI WA St "-w i "ti J- Vif HJI a- vr Ti 'A1 1 VIP LS5e rw -x 5 fe ir it ex re SPECIAL I MAX" ENGAGEMENT IVJ 4o- wmik mt NOW PLAYING TODAY AT 6:00 8:30 AND 1 1 :00 PM wi1 'pwp i hi i Tv' AtTTJ3rtaatwh3i 3 jywwwiwy 41 'tL 3mnaHftB8stotuVgML4w (tiEfi Ot'iiiifiifn gbmYiiiii i iacx CENTURY THEATRES Ext (I camismmiM I Ll UNITED ARTISTS el MARKET SQ I UNITED ARTISTS market sq CENTURY THEATRES CENTURY THEATRES century folsom 14 century laguna tef CENTURY THEATRES SACRAMENTO 6 0 1 SEE DIRECTORY OR CALL THEATRE CENTURY THEATRES CENTURY ROSEVILLE 14 WusevnieV Aj6 REGAL CINEMAS NAIOMAS MARKETPLACE I CENTURY THEATRES CENTURY 16 GREENBACK Sociamenfo3xkJ Wc2 UNITED ARTISTS LAGUNA VILLAGE 'OLYMPUS POIfTE 12 lE AY-l REGAL CINEMAS mmmETPUcEiet "HE tone -80ftWWWGOi 5 f'nwui-nt IWW ooaomer fvVf-A Socon-ent FANDANGO6 16 in imilMM and i Cannon are awesome I Thomai Chou Cinema ConlHdenttal Harvey is absolutely BREATHLESSLY ABSORBING It is rare nowadays to see a story of such scale and complexity filmed with such clarity swiftness and attention to detail And hums with Humor Passion and Life eljciNhu Jlork (Times -i4 Scoff 4 I LANE EX CENTURY THEATRES CENTURY THEATRES STADIUM 14 CENTURY FOLSOM 14 Saaomento922 7044 Sacramento 3 522 CENTURY THEATRES SEE DIRECTORY OR CALL SACRAMENTO 6 01 THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES Sacramento 3o3-to 2 NO PASSES i VI JTt TED ARTISTS iitn OLYMPUS pom 12 STADIUM 14 ftosevtliedOO-f ANDANGO x51 Sacramento922 7044 EGAL CiNFMAS SEE DIRECTORY OR CAU NATOMAS MARKETPLACE theatre FOR SHOWTIMES SacramentoSOO ANDANGOxlb? NO PASSES an GENTRY MATTES a it IB 1y 1QI a I 1 14 1 Tf 1 VJLZX X2T NOW CENTURY THEATRES I I EtiPEKtRQg IE0 MILL 7971 I CENTURY THEATRES CENTURY FOLSOM Ul NATOM 4 STN1R0N PT RD 35M2 CENTURY THEATRES IEX CSEOTW fiffff VWCIf HF 6233 GA WIELD AYE 336-' 982 ff SEE DIRECTORY OR CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES NO PASSES LfN JY HlA ti UN URV THEATRES I RY THf Atfitb HI CfNT UNI iHfAtRIi DOWNTOWN PLATA 7 CENTURY FOLSOM Cim 16 GREENBACK LANE CENTURY ROSEVILLE 14 CENTURY STADIUM 14 4th Street 444 uM 1)24 hour wot Irtr it la j5J 3252 1 8a OMftixl wie j8 98 btto ad 79 3l5d A avr her Woy 9i2 044 I RFC At CINEMAS naMHMfMMHMMfBM UN Iff) ARTIST NATOMAS 16 i ID-4 fc i I i LAGUNA VILLAGE 12 uxI Rd 1 SOU 555 TELL NC4j CHECK DIRECTORIES OR CALL THEATRE FOR SHOWTIMES NO PASSES OR DISCOUNT TICKETS ACCEPTED FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT I- BBUgBtMKKKKKKGKtUVRmBtHMURM wland i 'TmVTTFX 4oi iftiA WP sinuiDvY FOR SHOWTIMES NO PASSES ir imtmKfrt nr LAVING CENTURY THEATRES CENTURY STADIUM 141 7 ABQFNFTHAN 922 7044 UNITED ARTISTS- LAGUNA WLL4GE f2 'JVfft fITMLXN 4KHMM04 CENTURY THEATRES i I DOWNTOWN PLAZA 7 1 TH JST 444 FILM Century theatres suss SUBURBAN CENTURY FOLSOM 14 1-(800)-326-3264 907 Natoma Station Iron Pt Rd Call theatre daily lor showtime confirmation Love Don 1 Cost aThlng (PG 13) 12 152 50-5 20 7 55 1025 Somethings Gotta Give (PG 13) 11 10-12 2 5 2 00-3 304 45 6 30-7 359 20-10 Stuck On You (PG 13) 11 15 2 004 40 7 25 1015 The Last Samurai (R) 11 00-12 30 2 153 50 5 357 05 8 50 10 20 Honey (PG 13) 12 10-2 35 5 05 7 20 9 40 Elf (PG) 11 50220450 710 935 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 1 1 20 1 30 3 40 5 50 8 00 1010 Dr Seusi The Cat In the Hat (PG) 11 30-1 35 3 45 5 55 8 00 Gothlka (R) 1220-2 45515740 10 00 Mailer and Commander The Far Side of the World (PG 13) 1 00400700-1000 Bad Santa (R) 12 553 15 5 357 50-10 15 The Missing (R) 10 05 Timeline (PG 13) 9 55 Love Actually (R) 1245 405700 i i 1 icze: ib tSi4iiVriaLtf KifOieUwliiYUwl 7 1 SUBURBAN UNITED ARTISTS OLYMPUS POINTE 12 1-(800)-326-3264 516 520 Sunrise Ave 1 60 at Eureka Rd Sunrise Ave Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Somethlngi Gotta Give (PG 13) Digital 11 00 1 20-200 4 20-500 5 30-720 8 00 8 30 1020-11 00 The Last Samurai (R) Digital 11 10-1 15 12 00 2 30- 3 304 45-630-700-815 1000-10 30 Elf (PG) gital 11 40-12 30 2 10-3 004 40-5 45 7 1 5-8 10-9 50-10 50 Brother Bear (G) Dg tal 12 15 240 Gothlka (R) Digital 12 20-2 45 5 15-7 45-10 10 Love Actually (R) lal 1 004 10 7 30-1040 Master and Commander The Far Side of the World (PG 13) Dig tall 104 30 7 40-1045 The Missing (R) gital 11 20-2 20 5 20 8 20 CENTURY ROSEVILLE 14 1-(8Q0)-326-3264 920 I 80Eureka Rd East to lead Hill Rd Call theatre daily lor showtime confirmation Love Don Coal a Thing (PG 13) 11 30-12 30-1 55 3004 25-530705 755 930 1025 Stuck On You (PG 13) 11 35-12 10 2 15-2 50 4 55-5 25-735 810-1015 Honey (PG 13) 11 30 1200-1 151 45 2 15-3 304 00- 4 30 5 45 6 30 7 00-B 00 8 4 5 9 1 5-10 1 5 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 12 55-3 10-5 20-7 30-9 40 Dr Seusi The Cal In the Hat (PG) 1 25 3 35 5 40 7 45 950 Bad Santa (R) 1 1 45 12 40 2 00 3 054 40 5 35-6 55 7 50 9 20-10 05 Timeline (PG 13) 11 40-2 20 5 00 7 40-1020 Mystic River (R) 1 054 057 101010 The Matrix Revolutions (R) 1 00-4 10 7 1 510 00 IJ XI if V' If illfMlUl IJ I 4 rtly Tlli fc 1 S' 4 Vl fj 4itTn'Yrfri'i 1 WtftCN OUTLYING AREAS SIGNATURE HOLIDAY CINEMA (530)753' 3945 101 FSIreel Davis Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Timeline (PG 13) 140 Stuck On You (PG 13) 1 1 30 2 104 50-7 30 10 10 Mailer and Commander The Far Side ol the World (PG 13)4 20 720-1020 Love Don Coll a Thing (PG 13) 11 20-1 504 30-700930 The Last Samurai (R) 1 1 00 12 00-3 30 5 40 6 50 9 00-1005 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 1 1 10 1 30 3 50 7 10 9 20 Dr Seuae The Cat In the Hat (PG) 2 20 COLFAX THEATRE (530)346-8424 49 South Mam Street Colfax Call theatre daily lor showtime confirmation Master and Commander The Par Side o( the World (PG 13) DTS lal 1 004 00 7 00 COLUSA THEATRE (530)458-5777 513 Market Street Colusa Call theatre daily lor showtime confirmation Elf (PG) 2 30 4 45 7 00 9 15 SIGNATURE THEATRES PLACERVILLE 8 (530)628-7800 337 Placerviile Drive Placerville Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation STATE THEATRE WOODLAND (530)666-3444 322 Main St Woodland Call Ihealre daily for showtime confirmation Something a Gotta Give (PG 13) 12 55 3 5 56 50 9 30 Honey (PG 13) 1 304 30-7 15 9 20 Stuck On You (PG 1 3) 1 1 54 1 57 00-9 30 SUTTER CREEK THEATRE SUTTER CREEK (209)267-1070 44 Wain St Sutter Creek Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation MARYSVILLE DI MARYSVILLE (530)743-2342 Online at http www Syix comdnvein Call theatre daily tor showtime confirmation RUSSELL CROWE 1 iiLmrrr fw- A 2 Mlur a NOW LA I AVTT 4 CFNTUPY THf ATRS CENTURY FOLSOM 14 CENTURY LAGUNA 16 Socramento363-uva2 Suc(amento68d 52Vu Pan SACRAMENTO-DOWNTOWN CREST THEATRE 442-7378 1013 Street Call theatre daily lor showtime confirmation Elephant (H) Digital 1 15 3 16-5 15 7 15 9 15 Die Mommle Die' iR) la! 1 00 3 00 5 00 7 00 9 00 Pieces of April (PG 13) Digital 1 10 510910 Dopamine (R) Digital 3 10 7 10 TOWER THEATRE 442-4700 Land Park Broadway Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Lost In Translation (R) 1 1 05-1 20-3 35 5 50 8 00-10 10 Shattered Glass (PG 13) tl 30 2 OW 30-7 00-9 30 The Station Agent (R) 1 1 00 Small Voice Not Rated) 12 55 3 05 5 15 The Barbarian! Invasions (Not Rated) 7 25 CENTURY DOWNTOWN PLAZA 7 1-(800)-326-3264 921 4th Street Street Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Love Don I Coat a Thing (PG 1 3) 1 2 00-2 254 45 7 20-950 Something a Gotta Give (PG 13) 12 15 3 20 7 30 10 15 Stuck On You (PG 13) 1 1 35 2 15 4 55 7 40 10 25 The Last Samurai (R) 12 30-3 50 7 10 10 30 Elf (PG) 1 1 40 2 00 4 20 7 00 9 30 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 1 1 30-1 40 3 55 6 00 8 10 1020 Bad Santa (R) 1 1 50-2 204 40-7 50 1 0 1 0 ESQUIRE IMAX THEATRE 443-4629 1211 Street Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Coral Reef Adventure (Not Rated) A 11 00 Santa vi The Snowman (Not Rated) 3 10 00 12 00 430 The Matrix Revolutions The IMAX Experience (R) 6 00 8 3011 00 SACRAMENTO-NORTH REGAL NATOMAS MARKETPLACE 16 1-(800)-326-3264 159 3561 Truxel Road Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation The Lord ol the Rings The Return of the King (PG 13) Advance Tickets Available Love Don Cost a Thing (PG 1 3) lal 1 1 00 1 30- 4 30 7 30 10 10 Something a Gotta Give (PG 13) lal 12 50 4 00 720-10 30 Dig tal 11 00 2 10 5 20 8 30 Stuck On You (PG 1 3) lal 1 0 50-1 504 50 7 45-1040 Honey (PG 13) Dglal 11 10-1 404 10 7 10 9 50 Diglal 12 40 3 10 5 40-8 20 10 45 The Last Samurai (R) Dlal 10 30-2 00-12 00 3 30-n an 7 no chn-tn-ao Bad Santa R) gital 1 1 50 2 30-5 00 7 30-10 00 The Haunted Mansldn (PG) tal 1 1 40 2 20 4 50-740-1010 The Missing (R) gital 12 30 3 50 7 00-10 00 Dr Seusi The Cal In the Hat (PG) lal 1 20 3 35 5 50 8 10 10 20 Gothlka (R) gital 12 10 2 40 5 10 7 50 10 20 Master and Commander The Far Side ol the World (PG 13) Digital 10 30 1 40 5 00 8 20 Ell (PG) tall 1 30 2 00 4 40 7 10 9 40 Love Actually (R) Dig tal 1 1 00-2 10 5 20 8 30 CENTURY STADIUM 141-(800)-326-3264 1922 Arden Ethan Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Special Edition The Lord ol the Rings The Two Towers (PG 13) 1 1 304 00 8 30 Love Don I Cost a Thing (PG 1 3) 1 1 30-1 2 40-2 00-3 10-4 20 5 35-8 50 8 00 9 10 10 20 Something I Gotta Give (PG-13) 11 25 12 25 125-2 25 3 254 25 5 25 6 25 7 25-8 25 9 25-10 25 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 1 1 35-1 35 3 50-8 00-8 05 1015 Dr Seusi The Cat In the Hat (PG) 1 1 45-1 45 3 55-555755950 Master and Commander The Far Side of the World (PG 13) 12 35 4 05-7 00-9 55 Bad Santa (R) 1 05 3 20-5 30 7 45 10 00 The Missing (R) 1 004 15-7 20-10 10 Timeline (PG 13) 11 55 2 35 5 10 7 40 10 10 Mystic River (R)1 10 410 710 10 05 Love Actually (R) 12 50 3 45 7 05-955 UN SACRAMENTO-NORTH UNITED ARTISTS MARKET SQUARE AT ARDEN FAIR 1-(800)-326-3264 517 Arden Fair Arden Business 80 Call Ihealre daily for showtime confirmation Stuck On You (PG 13) Digital 12 45 4 00 7 15 10 15 The Last Samurai (R) tal 1 1 00-12 00 3 00 3 30-630-700-1000-1030 Honey (PG 13)11 30-2 15 5 00 7 45-10 20 Gothlka (R) 11 30 2 004 30 7 15-10 15 Elf (PG) 11 15-1 454 15-6 45 9 15 SACRAMENTO-SOUTH CENTURY LAGUNA 16 1-(800-326-3254 908 Big HornLaguna Blvd Call Ihealre daily lor showtime confirmation Somethlngi Gotta Give (PG 13) 11 15-1240 1 25 200 3 304 154 50 6 20 7 05-740-910 9 55-10 30 The Last Samurai (R) 11 00 12 30 1 20 2 15 3 00 3 50-4 40 5 30 6 15 7 1 0-9 00 8 50 9 40-10 25 Elf (PG) 11 25 12 15 1 45 2 45 4 10-5 05 6 30 7 30 8 55 950 Gothlka (R) 1 1 20 1 05 1 40 3 20 4 00 5 40 7 20-7 55 9 35 1 0 1 5 Master and Commander The Far Side ol the World (PG 13) 1 10-4 20 725 1015 The Missing (R) 1 004 05-7 00 10 00 Timeline (PG 13) 1 1 35 2 204 55 7 35-10 10 Brother Bear (G) 11 40-1 50 4 25 Looney Tunes Back In Action (PG) 12 20 Radio (PG) 7 45 10 20 Love Actually (H) 1 15-4 10 7 15-10 05 UNITED ARTISTS LAGUNA VILLACE1-(3Q0)-326-3264 518 Bruceville Rd at Sheldon Rd Call theatre daily lor showtime confirmation The Lord of the Ring The Return ol the King (PG 13) Advance Tickets Available Love Don I Cost a Thing (PG 13) Dig tal 1 1 30 1 55 12 00 2 40 4 30 5 25 710 8 00 9 55 1045 Stuck On You (PG 13) Dig lal 1 00-1 1 30 2 154 00 5 00 700750950 1040 Honey (PG 13) Digital 11 45 12 50 2 20 3 20 4 55 5 40-715805945 1035 Bad Santa R) gital 1 1 40 1 55 12 40-3 05-4 20 5 20-655 7 45 9 45 1020 The Haunted Mansion (PG) gital 11 30-12 05 2 10 2504 50-535 7 30 81010 00-1040 Dr Seusi The Cat in the Hat (PG) gital 1 15-12 15- 2 30 3 30-4 45 5 45-7 55 10 15 The Matrix Revolution! (R) tal 7 05-10 05 SUBURBAN CENTURY GREENBACK 16 1-800)-326-3264 969 1 80 at Greenback (At site of former Cinedome 9) Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Love Don Cost a Thing (PG 13) 11 30-12 30 1 55 3 00 4 25 5 30 7 00-6 00 9 30 10 25 Something Gotta Give (PG 13) 11 15-12 00-1 00 2 00 2 50 3 50 4 50 5 40 6 40 7 40 8 30 9 35 10 30 Stuck On You (PG 13) 1 1 25 2 20 5 00-7 40 10 20 The Last Samurai (R) 11 20-12 30 1 35 2 40 3 454 55- 600 710815 9 20 10 30 Honey (PG 13) 12 15-2 30-4 45 7 15-9 50 Elf (PG) 12 10-2 35 5 05-7 35 10 00 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 12 25 2 45 5 00-7 05 9 1 5 Dr Seuss The Cal In the Hat (PG) 1 1 35-1 40 3 50- 5 55-8 1 0-10 15 Gothlka (R) 12 20 2 50 5 1 0 7 30 9 55 Bad Santa (R) 11 55 2 154 30700925 The Missing (R) 1 154 15 7 20-1020 UNITED ARTISTS SUNRISE 1-800)-326-3264 501 Sunrise Mall Citrus Heights Call Ihealre daily lor showtime confirmation Brother Bear (G) 12 00 2 154 30 7 00 9 10 Timeline (PG 13) Dig lal 12 30 3 00 5 30 8 00 10 15 pirates of the Caribbean The Curse ol the Black Pearl (PG 13) 12 45 9 45 Radio (PG) 3 45-7 20 School of Rock (PG 13) Dglal 12 1 52 45 5 15 7 DRIVE-INS SUNRISE DRIVE IN FAIR OAKS 725-5555 Greenback Lane East of Sunrise Fair Oaks Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation SACRAMENTO DRIVE IN 6 363-6572 Hwy 50 at Bradshaw Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Dr Seuss The Cal in the Hat (PG) 9 00 Honey (PG 13) 7 00 Elf PG) 9 25 Stuck On You (PG 13)700 Gothlka (R) 9 05 Love Don Cost a Thing (PG 13) 7 00 Bad Santa IR) 7 00 Timeline (PG 13) 900 Something a Gotta Give (PG 13) 7 00 The Missing (R) 9 35 Love Actually (R) 10 00 The Last Samurai (R) 7 00 OUTLYING AREAS LODI STADIUM 12 (209)339-1900 109 School St Lodi Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation The Last Samurai (R) 10 30 1 30 4 45 8 00 Stuck On You (PG 13) 10 45 1 254 50 7 40 10 20 Something Gotta Give (PG 1 3) 10 40-1 254 30 7 20 1010 Gothlka (R) 1050-1 354 10-8 00 10 20 Bad Santa (R) 11 151 404 35 7 50 9 40 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 10 451 053 50 7 05 9 30 Love Don Cost a Thing (PG 13) 1 1 00 1 20 4 05 7101000 The Last Samurai (R) 11 30 3 30 7 00 10 1 0 Honey (PG 13) 11 251 454 25 7 25 9 50 Dr Seusi The Cat In the Hat (PG) 1 1 00 1 30 3 55 650 Timeline (PG 13)1000 Elt(PG) 10351 10455715 920 Master and Commander The Far Side ol the World (PG 13) 1 20 730 The Missing (R) 1020420 10 15 SIERRA CINEMAS (530)477-9000 840 Main SI Grass Valley Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Ell (PG) 12 15 2 25 4 35 7 10 Honey (PG 13) 3 45 9 35 The Last Samurai (R) 12 00 3 1 56 30 9 40 Master and Commander The Par Side ol the World (PG 13) 12 30 3 3 5 6 40 9 30 The Missing (R) 12 45 7 00 Timeline (PG 13)920 SUTTON CINEMAS (530)477-9000 11399 Sutton Way Grass Valley Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation The Haunted Mansion (PG) 12 30 2 304 35 7 05 9 00 Sometnmg a Gotta Give (PG 13) 1 00 3 45 6 30 9 1 5 SIGNATURE AUBURN STADIUM 10 (530)745-0160 500 Nevada St Auburn Call theatre daily for showtime confirmation Something a Gotta Give (PG 13) 11 05 1 50 4 40 7 30 10 20 Stuck On You (PG 13) 11 05 1 45 4 35 720 10 10 Love Don I Cost a Thing (PG 13) 11 30 2 104 45 725 950 The Last Samurai (R) 2 1 55 30 6 30 8 45 9 45 Honey IPG 13) 1 1 151 35 3 55 7 05 9 40 Bad Santa (R) 74510 15 Timeline (PG 13) 12 15 The Haunted Mansion (PG) 11 50 2 004 30 7 10 9 30 The Missing R) 1120 3 15 Dr Seuss The Cat In the Hat (PG) 1 1 452 30 5 00 Master and Commander The Far Side of the World (PG 13) 3 30 6 45 9 55 Elf (PG) 11 15 1 554 15715935 SIGNATURE STADIUM 5 (530)297-4100 420 Street Davis Call Ihealra daily tor showtime confirmation Something a Gotta Give (PG 1 3) 1 1 00 1 454 30 7 20 1010 Honey (PG 13) 1 1 051 16 3 30 5 45 8 00 10 15 Bad Santa (R) 10 551 05 3 15 5 2 5 7 35 9 45 The Missing (R 1 00 4 00 Elf (PG) 11 50 2 15 4 40 7 30 9 55 Love Actually (R) 7 00 10 00 The perfect gift for everyone on your holiday list Aunt Lillian Uncle Bob 5f Lesley Sf Morrie Arnold Gift certificates now available online at wwwcenturytheatrescom or at your local Century theater I VOW- ife' jbs 1 f'- HE.
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